The Exploration of

Finding the
RIGHT School


Choosing the right college is a big decision, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.

With our personalized college search and selection guide, we take a deep dive into what’s most important to your student and to your family. We’ll review your preferences for areas of study, location, tuition, and much, much, more. Once we’ve gathered and ranked what’s important to you on our college exploration checklist, we will provide your family with your personalized guide that will arm you with what you need to consider to find the best fit college for your student.

Your Personalized Guidebook will Include:

  • Detailed information on schools that best match your preferences including what each school is looking for when admitting students.
  • College comparison worksheet to help students visually compare the pros and cons of each school they are considering.
  • Campus visit guide and scorecard to record and rank schools during in-person and virtual tours of the school.

Selecting a college extends far beyond the mere name printed on a diploma. It permeates various facets of students’ lives, influencing academic pursuits, social interactions, and beyond. 

Save time and let us do the heavy work for you.
