Coach Bucks


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Spread the word and earn Coaching Bucks to redeem for an advisement session with Coach Carol.

Here Are Ways That You Can Earn Coaching Bucks!

  • Membership Referral
    Refer a friend or family member to join Club Journey.
  • Purchase Referral
    Refer a friend or family member to purchase an item from the Coach Carol shop of digital products or services.
  • Follow on Social Media
    Follow Coach Carol on Instagram or YouTube
  • Comment on Social Media
    Comment on any of Coach Carol’s social media channels.
  • Testimonial
    Provide a written or video testimonial about your college admissions experience while using Coach Carol Educational Consulting.
  • Review
    Leave a review on any review sites such as Google, Yelp, Facebook, etc., about your college admissions experience while using Coach Carol Educational Consulting.


For either membership or purchase referrals, simply have your friend or family member enter your name as the person that referred them. For social media, testimonials, or reviews, take a picture and email it to Then, within 48 hours, you will receive an update of your coaching bucks account balance.